help comes in more then one kind

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Chlorophyll dragged along a large medkit by it’s handle, when she set out on this trip she had no expectation she would have to give emergency medical care to a few huge cloud canines (although, she didn't expect to end up on the wrong planet and meet an entirely new alien species either…) Her jaw was beginning to hurt, she really wished her own medkit would’ve worked, but everything in there was almost definitely too small to help these poor folk, not to mention it was apparently understocked anyways. The entire situation made Chlorophyll nervous, she wasn’t trained in healthcare and all her knowledge was based almost entirely on spacecats, but she knew she couldn’t let her anxiety get the better of her in such a desperate situation.

After what felt like too long of a walk, she finally saw the sick cirrocanius again, nearly tripping over her own paws as she tried to speed up. She laid down the medkit next to the cirrocanius she was directed to, she introduced herself, hoping it would help calm their nerves if they knew who was taking care of them. “Er- Hello! I’m Chlorophyll, I’m the spacecat who’s going to be helping you today!”

The cirrocanius raised their head, letting out a pretty horrible-sounding cough, before responding in a very weak and shaky voice. “Morning… I like the name… Please help.” They laid their head back down with a thump, which made Chlorophyll bounce a bit. She smiled politely and began looking through the kit for an antibiotic ointment and bandages, pulling them out as she scanned her patient to treat the wounds most in need first.

She moved to work on any wounds near the head, neck, and chest first. Those were most important, at least that’s what she remembered. Chlorophyll did feel a bit… Iffy having to work near the cirrocanius’s mouth, one bite could easily take her out… She shook her head. So far they had shown no signs of being a genuine threat, she tried to move the thoughts out of her head as she got to work, applying ointment and bandaging up wounds. Trying her best not to jump everytime the cirrocanius flinched or whined.

Chlorophyll focused entirely on helping, not trying to think about anything at the time. She did eventually run out of bandages however, frowning when she turned back to find the medkit empty of them. “Ah. I seem to have run out of bandages…. I’m sorry, I’ll be back! Promise!” she mewed to the cirrocanius before running off to find some more. Taking some time to think as well.

Maybe that wasn’t the smartest choice, but oh well. She mainly thought about home, about Starship and her friends and everyone else at the port. She may not truly be, but not being around them really made her feel alone. There was an occasional thought about the cirrocanius being dangerous, but she pushed those aside. She knew better than to trust her irrational thoughts. Cutting into her thinking, she tripped over something-!

Oh! Bandages, Awesome! What a coincidence.
She started back to her patient in a full run, and they seemed very relieved when she returned and immediately got back to work. After one last check, she was certain she had gotten to all of the cirrocanius’s wounds, to which they agreed. The cirrocanius did their best to let out a howl in her name as thanks, unnecessarily, but appreciated.

All that work was tiring! Chlorophyll made sure everything was returned to the medkit, and laid down next to it with a yawn. The cirrocanius started up a conversation with her. “I really… Appreciate your help. You and your folks have been very kind… I am excited to see this new home we have been told about…” She smiled, glad to be called kind. “I would be too, especially seeing what’s become of… Your old one…” Chlorophyll clenched her jaw and looked away a bit, wondering if that was a bit too soon to say. The cirrocanius, however, didn’t seem to mind, they actually agreed. “Mhmm… It’s sad. I’ve had to keep my pup in the caves. Too afraid to let him possibly get hurt outside… Hurts more to see how sad he gets when I have to tell him that…”

Chlorophyll frowned, turning back to them. “I’m so sorry… I’m sure you and your pup will love the homes we can provide, and I’m sure he’ll love being able to play outside there! The planets we reside on are lovely… Same with the ports!” She tried to stay optimistic, hoping it would raise the cirrocanius’s spirit a little as well, and to her luck, it did. “I hope so… It’d be lovely to be in the clouds again… Thank you.” She smiled, these cirrocanius folk really weren’t that bad, her anxiety had turned to excitement to have them around in the future.

help comes in more then one kind
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In Event Gallery ・ By pawzbutton

baby's first literature.......... really hope i did this right i feel like im in english class (cirrocanius is just some random cirro, nobody in specfic :D)

Submitted By pawzbutton for Medic
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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[help comes in more then one kind by pawzbutton (Literature)](
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