You can search the FAQ by tag, category, or keyword. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to staff.

Where can I learn about the species’ lore?

All past stories and events can be found here. Other information on the world, such as fauna, locations, and important figures can be found within the Important Links and Misc section of the encyclopedia.

Last Updated: 1 month ago

What are encounters/foraging?

Foraging and encounters are ways a user can earn rewards daily. These rewards can include crafting/cooking materials, collectables, cloudcoins, pets, MYO items and even MYOs themselves.

Foraging will guarantee a reward of some kind. You have 3 stamina per day to do foraging with most requiring 1 stamina per use. It takes about a minute to complete. If the countdown timer says it will take longer, please refresh the page to receive your rewards as this is an error. There is no way to earn more stamina per day and unused stamina does not stack, so use it wisely.

Encounters do not have guaranteed rewards. Encounters will provide you with splash text and either a button that reads "Moving on", or a choice of 3 buttons. Encounters for site events may have a choice of 5 buttons for pets on occasion. "Moving on" encounters do not provide any rewards. In order to receive a reward from the encounters, you must select the correct button. Each encounter uses 1 energy, with the potential of losing 2 on an encounter if you select a one of the wrong choices. You have 5 base energy per day to use, and you can increase this by consuming food items. Unused energy does not carry over to the next day, so it is advised to use any extra energy you get on the same day.

Last Updated: 1 month ago

How can I get a TSS character?

There are a few ways you can get a character. Most commonly, you can earn Cloudcoins to purchase an MYO slot, giving you the ability to create your own. You can also purchase a staff-made character, either from the Sales tab or Custom corner. Additionally, users will post in the trades and sales channel of our Discord server with characters they are looking to rehome, and MYO slots can be purchased within the cash shop channel!

Last Updated: 2 months ago

Can a character have mismatching traits, like eyes, ears, horns?
MYOs / redesigns

Yes, all of these can be mismatched and aren’t required to be symmetrical. Sometimes randomized MYOs can roll too many traits that cannot be used without extra limbs or multiform present (e.g. shaped iris, standard iris, and closed eyes all at the same time), in which case they would require a manual fix.

Last Updated: 2 months ago

Can Cirrocanius be clawless?
MYOs / redesigns

All Cirrocanius require at least one set of oversized claws. With the use of Paw Mutations, these can be changed in shape and size but must still be present. If all four legs have Paw Mutations that remove paws (i.e., hooves), claws are not required.

Last Updated: 2 months ago

What can I make CBCs out of? Is there a public blacklist for CBCs?
MYOs / redesigns

We do not have a public list of banned source materials and will not be creating one. However, as a rule, we do not allow CBCs to be created of real life people (including their personas), characters that are canonically or implied to be pedophiles or rapists, or source materials otherwise deemed extremely problematic, insensitive towards real-life events, or pornographic in nature.

We do not ban media on the grounds of having heavy themes or containing gore or violence. If you're unsure, you are free to ask a staff member.

Last Updated: 6 months ago

What is a CBC?
MYOs / redesigns

CBC stands for character-based-character or content-based-character. They are characters based off of existing copyrighted media, such as fictional characters, pieces of media, music, or art. This includes public domain works, but does not include your personal original characters (including fan characters) or your pets.

Last Updated: 6 months ago

What is voiding, and how do I void a character?

Voiding a character removes them from the species. While they will remain on our masterlist, they will no longer be considered a Space Station character and cannot be used for Space Station related activities.

To void a character, ensure that you have permission from the original designer to do so and contact a staff member to handle it for you. Be warned that characters can only be unvoided if they are under new ownership, so make sure you are certain that you want to do it.

If you are traded a voided character and wish to unvoid it, contact a staff member with proof of ownership and we can handle it for you.

Remember that it is against our rules to obtain a character with the intent to immediately void it.

Last Updated: 6 months ago

What is Decoration on a Sodacat? What can I use as Decoration?
MYOs / redesigns

Decoration is defined as any item that sits on top of the Sodacat or in the soda, such as ice cubes or charms, and is required on all Sodacats. Decoration can be anything except for live animals, but does not include clothing or accessories being worn in their intended way. For example, a crown worn on the Sodacat's head does not count as a Decoration, but small crowns placed on their back can.

Last Updated: 6 months ago

What features can be optional or change without the use of Multiform?
MYOs / redesigns

The Multiform trait is used to have any optional features, features that change shape or size. Companions and Orbiting Objects/Particles can be optional without Multiform, and accessories and hairstyles (including hair length) can change freely. If your additional forms change color, they will also need the Color Changing trait.

Remember that each new form requires an additional Red Essence/Mythical Voucher/Golden Syrup/Golden Sugar. You need to use an Essence/Voucher/Syrup/Sugar for each non-common trait added by your additional forms, but you only need to pay for each trait once - for example, even if you have Wings on every form, you only need to pay for the Wings trait once. You can have a maximum of five forms (including the original) without purchasing an official custom.

Last Updated: 4 months ago

How do I transfer an MYO slot and/or a TSS Species?
MYOs / redesigns

To transfer a MYO slot to another user, go under the 'Home' tab to 'My MYO Slots'. Click on the MYO slot you wish to transfer to open its page, and look at the sidebar on the left side of the screen. There should be a link titled 'Transfer'. Click on that, select the user you wish to transfer the slot to, and send the transfer. Transferring a character follows the same process. Go to their masterlist entry, look at the sidebar for the 'Transfer' link, and select the user you wish to transfer the character to.

Last Updated: 6 months ago

What traits can I use with my MYO?
MYOs / redesigns

That depends on the MYOs rarity! A common MYO slot can use only common traits, unless add-ons such as Essences or Syrups are used. Uncommon MYOs can use unlimited common-uncommon traits and one rare trait for free, and Mythical MYOs can use unlimited common-rare traits and one mythical trait for free. Be sure to read the description of your item to find out what kind of MYO you have and what its limitations are!

Last Updated: 6 months ago

Can we make a pre-existing character into a TSS Species? Do TSS Species designs need to be exclusively TSS designs?
MYOs / redesigns

  1. Yes! However, both versions will have to stay together! If you trade the non-TSS Species design, the TSS Species will have to go with it.
  2. No! You can have as many versions/other CS versions of your character as you want as long as the other CS allows it, too!
Last Updated: 2 months ago

Are (insert colors/markings) okay? Do I need to submit a re-design for changing accessories/changing hairstyles/etc.? (+ similar questions)
MYOs / redesigns

We do not trait colors/markings normally, so anything besides that is fine! You do not need to submit a redesign for simply changing accessories, but for anything else, yes!

Last Updated: 6 months ago

Can I draw my TSS Species with other CS/non-CS, in different worlds, etc.?

Yes, of course! Just remember, if you'd like to submit it for art redemption, non TSS Species characters will not be counted!

Last Updated: 6 months ago

Can I pre-plan a TSS Species I plan on making but currently do not own a slot for?
MYOs / redesigns

Yes, you can! But they cannot be uploaded to the site or anywhere public off-site, cannot be used in any art pieces or in-server/on-site drawing game/prompt piece, or anything of the like until approved. You can put them in a “future design/MYO concept(s)” folder on Toyhou.se though, but please keep it private/authorized only!

Last Updated: 2 months ago

Is it possible to gift/trade/sell MYO slots?
MYOs / redesigns

Yes! You can do so on-site! However, MYO slots bought with CC cannot be sold for USD.

Last Updated: 6 months ago

Can I upgrade an already approved TSS Species design?
MYOs / redesigns

Yes, you can!  If you would like to add higher rarity traits to a MYO/pre-existing TSS Species you can buy essences and other items here!

Last Updated: 2 months ago

Can we have someone else design our TSS Species MYO?
MYOs / redesigns

Yes, as long as you properly credit them when submitting your MYO! However, only staff members can advertise TSS customs designs in the Discord server, and arrangements with other members should be made privately.

Last Updated: 2 months ago

Can I sell my character/MYO slot/items for USD? Can I sell my character/MYO slot/trait items for cloudcoins? What increases the USD value of my Spacecat?

MYO slots/items can only be sold if bought with USD! Your Spacecat can only be sold for the price of the MYO you bought (if bought with USD) unless they have added value from commissioned artworks! (Commissioned artworks = payed with for real money.) 

Last Updated: 6 months ago

Are MYOs only available in USD? Can you mix purchase options?
MYOs / redesigns

No! You can get them via group currency here, as raffle prizes, during MYO events, as prompt prizes, etc.! MYOs purchased with USD are heavily appreciated, but not necessary! We hope to add a USD shop to the site soon! As for mixing purchase options, yes, but please discuss with a mod beforehand!

Last Updated: 6 months ago

How do I use my MYO slot/submit the finished design for approval?
MYOs / redesigns

To use your MYO slot: purchase a slot, recieve it in a trade, raffle, etc. Go to your inventory, click your MYO, check the box that shows up with the pop-up (labelled source) and click "use slot", then open. It will appear as an item under "MYO slots", listed under a tab on your profile! Once you have a finallized design and are ready to submit, find that MYO on the "MYO slots" page, click the button that appears on the bottom left labelled "SUBMIT MYO DESIGN" and go from there! A staff member will then either deny or approve it, and add your Spacecat to the masterlist!

Last Updated: 6 months ago

Do Spacecat MYOs expire?
MYOs / redesigns

Unless otherwise stated, no, they do not!

Last Updated: 6 months ago

I have a question about the site that's not answered here. What should i do?

Please check here! If your question is not answered here/you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to ask us in-server.

Last Updated: 6 months ago

There is [error] on the masterlist! Something isn't labelled correctly/a trait is wrong/etc.!

Considering the amount of Spacecats on the masterlist, it's certainly a possibility we got something wrong/may have missed something with uploading! If this is the case and you notice, even if it isn't your character, feel free to contact a mod or a masterlist manager and we will get to it ASAP!

Last Updated: 6 months ago

Can I change my on-site username?

Yes! Check your user settings, you may change it once every 30 days!

Last Updated: 6 months ago

What is art redemption? What are daily prompts?

Art redemption is where you can submit things you’ve drawn or created of characters within the species for Cloudcoins. Any art can be submitted, so long as it is your own and hasn't been paid for by any means.

Last Updated: 2 months ago

I'm getting an error message/my image won't show after re-uploading it/my image won't upload/my email verification won’t send/won’t work/sent late/etc. issues.

This could be for a multitude of reasons! Here's a few things that may help:

  1. Clearing your cache/hard refreshing. A lot of issues can be resolved with this!
  2.  Resizing your image to be less than 2000x2000. Images larger than this can cause trouble for the site/not upload at all!
  3. When signing up, have GMAIL as your e-mail provider.
  4. Check your spam/promotions folder. Email verifications often end up in those folders!
  5. If you've found your verification link and it leads to an error screen/'Invalid Signature' screen, request a new verification email! It likely timed out.

If you're still having persistent issues, please reach out to a mod and we'll try our best to help!

Last Updated: 6 months ago

Where can I see the species’ traits?
MYOs / redesigns

The visual trait guides for each species are located in the Quick Links section both on the sidebar and navbar.

Last Updated: 2 months ago

What is 'group currency', and what is The Space Station group currency? How do I earn it?

A group currency is a currency that can be earned from partaking in closed species and used to purchase species-related things. Cloudcoins are our virtual currency, and are primarily earned through Art Redemption, but can also be earned through other things, such as daily rewards, encounters, activities, Higher or Lower, and completing prompts.

Last Updated: 2 months ago

How do I sign up for the site?

You can register here! To have access to extra features after registration (being able to edit your profile, icon, etc.) you will need to attach a secondary off-site account (like DeviantART, Twitter, etc.)! 

Last Updated: 6 months ago

Do I have to have a TSS Species in order to participate in the group, in-server, or on-site?

No, not at all! We encourage anyone who wants to join to join. It is recommended to have one, but not inherently required to participate in anything on-site or in-server!

Last Updated: 6 months ago

What is a 'closed species'?

A "closed species", in most cases, are a group of character designs that exist within the same world and have a standard set of features/traits present on every design that links them together! They have their own universe and lore that's open to roleplay and user input! Closed species, overall, is a very collaborative thing and often a community-driven project! 

It also means that a character from said closed species cannot be made without permission from the owner/a MYO (make-your-own) slot, which in The Space Station, we try to make very easy and almost entirely free to get, tying in with community participation! However, we do not claim to own any of the traits our species has, or any combination of said features on a character design as no closed species are inherently 100% original. 

Last Updated: 6 months ago

What is The Space Station/Thespacestation.xyz?

The Space Station (and Thespacestation.xyz) is a closed species character-based semi-casual art ARPG site, as well as a community of artists and creators! We hope to have our site be fun and interactive for everyone in our community, as well as a place to share your art and character :-) Artists and writers of any skill level are 100% welcome! This website will forever be a heavy work in progress, but we encourage anyone to sign up and participate if they so wish!

Last Updated: 6 months ago
34 results found.