[Gift] Convergence Soda and Stars.

In Event Gallery ・ By blade
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Gentle lights filled Prism's room, filtering through prismatic rainbow filters on his window panes. He stretched as he woke up, smiling brightly at the day that was ahead. On the news for days before, the familiar headline played, over and over again: "Newsflash! Convergence between worlds! New friends are here, what will you do?" Prism's answer to this question was fairly obvious. As a musician, his audience was what was most important to him, and new friends meant a potential future viewer. Outside of his self interests, though, he could also use a friend. He was determined to find one of these new inhabitants to introduce to his world.

He headed out of his bed and into his bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing his face for the day. He brushed his hair, making sure that it fell just right for a first introduction to another. His heart beat deeply inside of him, and the anticipation was building up quickly inside of his chest. He then went into his closet, picking out his usual button up and sweatshirt combination. He enjoyed that outfit a lot, comfort was a number one priority for him. Prism then headed out of the door, ready to see what the world would have ready for him.

In the meantime, Tide's wide eyes gazed upon all of the new scenery around. Whether it was the gushing fountain in the middle of the plaza, or the bushes full of flowers lining the tile streets, he was thrilled to be able to get to experience it. He found his way over to a bench, seeking nothing more than to just observe it all, to take in the sights from a passive perspective. He took a gentle breath in, listening to the sound of the wind slipping through the leaves of the trees. This was a great place to be.

Amidst Tide's relaxing, Prism arrived at the park, carrying his iconic star shaped guitar with him. He sat down his tip box right at his feet, picking a spot near that fountain to play at. It wasn't long before his guitar music filled the air, and his voice right along with it. This seemed to capture Tide's attention, who opened his eyes to witness Prism's playing once it all began to fill his ears. Tide couldn't help but smile at Prism's songs. Prism continued to play, just before realizing who had made his way in front of him.

He stopped playing after a while. "Oh, hi. I'm Prism! You must be new to the park. Or, the planet, too." He said, laughing softly underneath his breath. He offered Tide a hand to shake, being returned with a gentle shake. "I'm Tide. It was great to hear you play." Tide replied, nodding to solidify the statement. "Aw? This old stuff is nothing like that of some of the musicians around. You could find better." Prism replied, humbly. Tide laughed at the kindness that the other displayed.

"How about you and I go and get a milkshake somewhere, hm?" Asked Prism, after a bit of small talk between the two. "Sure. That sounds delicious right about now. I've been feeling something sweet here recently." Tide said, putting his hands on his stomach. Prism and Tide walked to the nearest shake shop, discussing the differences between Space and Soda along the way. Something interesting to the two of them was that, despite certain differences between the species, there was a lot that they had in common. That seemed to spark the attention of both characters quite a bit.

Prism and Tide finally arrived at the shake shop, both ordering their favorites on the menu once it came time for that. Their orders came out quick as lightning. "It's been really nice spending time with you today, Prism." Said Tide, smiling at the other. "I could say the same to you. I've really accomplished a goal of mine here today. I'm glad I met somebody so interesting." Prism replied, rubbing the back of his neck. He was happy to have made a friend out at the park, and enjoyed every word that the other had to say. The spent the rest of the evening talking over their shakes.

When the time came, Prism bid Tide farewell for the day, waving as he began to head back home, guitar in hand and heart full of excitement. Tide stood in the light of the shake shop for just a moment, recollecting on the events of the day. After reminiscing on such a good time, Tide too began to head to the place he called home. "This place is such a nice one to be. I'm so happy here. I'm glad I got to be welcomed in such a way." Said Tide, with a bright smile.

One thing was clear about the worlds colliding: The Convergence between Soda and Star was one that would last forever, and create endless friendships along the way.

[Gift] Convergence Soda and Stars.
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In Event Gallery ・ By blade

For the "New Friends" event since the species are coming together! Featuring my SpaceCat Prism and another user's SodaCat Tide! 827 words long!

Submitted By blade for New Friends
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

vanitas: Gift For
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OUUUUUUU thank u so much for including tide once again!!! 🥺 u wrote him so sweetly i love the way you portrayed his friendship with prism, love this and ur writing style <33

2023-06-14 21:13:06

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blade She / They / It
Ya ofc! Thanks for allowing me to write abt Tide, it was so fun!

2023-06-14 22:56:38

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