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Two cats wandered through what seemed to be a never-ending cave system.
Viper had his head lowered, trailing a bit behind Calamity. This was getting rather exhausting.. Their poor paws were starting to hurt! It was shameful, really. How could someone as high and mighty as him be put through a situation like this? Absolutely tragic.
Letting out a soft hiss, it raised its head and sped up his pace a bit to walk besides Calamity, glancing at the big cat - or, well, lion with a tilted head. 

‘’My lord, are you sure we’re going the right way? We’ve been wandering for what feels like hours now..’’

He let out a sigh, tail lashing from side to side.
“My sincerest apologies if I am stepping out of line by saying this, but this is just getting exhausting! I want to get out of here right now.. Oh, why did this fate have to befall upon us? Why couldn’t it have been that annoying troublemaker?’’ 

Calamity didn’t say or do much of anything at all in response to that. He simply just let out a soft humm, much to Viper’s frustration. Lord Calamity was important to him - but this was just getting annoying now! As much as they respected him, he wasn’t quite sure if he could put up with this much longer.
‘’..Tsk. Fine, i’ll find a way out myself!’’
Viper hissed and turned around, tail still lashing as he started to walk off into a different direction. He paused halfway through, though and glanced back at Calamity, who - unsurprisingly - hadn’t done much of anything and just continued on walking ahead. It wanted to say something, but decided on not doing so. Viper just wanted out of this cave - NOW.

And so, the white-furred cat disappeared into the shadows into one of the corridors of the large cave system they had found themselves in. It was until Calamity couldn’t hear footsteps or anything else aside from the cave ambience that it stopped in its tracks and slowly raised his head to stare at the direction Viper had headed off into. 

The large cat’s ear flicked and he let out a sigh of annoyance. What a fool… Well, he’ll have to fend for himself. Calamity wondered how long it would take for Viper to come scrambling back. 

He wouldn’t express it, but he felt slightly worried. But why? That cat was just a simple servant, nothing more. 


Ugh. Fine.
And with that, Calamity wandered into the same direction Viper went in. They were stuck in this together, and they’ll get out if together. 


…Some time passed and Calamity’s annoyance was starting to grow. Just where did Viper wander off too? Surely he couldn’t have gone THAT far?
Calamity’s thoughts were quickly interrupted by a loud shriek coming from up ahead, and what sounded like some cat quickly trying to scurry away from.. something. 

Without hesitation, Calamity sped up his pace and ran ahead, ending up in a small clearing inside of the cave. Moonlight shimmered and lit up the room through a small opening in the ceiling. And inside of the clearing stood Viper - hissing and swiping at some small .. creature?
‘’Agh! Get away from me! Do you have any idea who you’re messing with?!’’
The small creature just stood and stared at Viper, not seeming to do much of .. anything, really. It didn’t seem to be doing any harm. What even was that thing? It looked like a .. bell pepper? But it had paws, a face and ears.. How odd. Calamity had never seen anything like it before back in the land of Hyrule..
Clearing its throat, it slowly stepped out of the shadows and into the small clearing, startling Viper and the small bear creature.

The small cat whirled around to face him with a look of confusion and what seemed to be anger - but upon recognising Calamity, it changed into one of relief. There even seemed to be a small hint of happiness there which Viper was failing to hide.
‘’My lord! There you are! This .. terrible thing was messing with me! Can you believe it!?’’

Viper cried, dramatically gesturing over at the bear creature.
Calamity cracked a small smile, tilting their head to the side.
‘’..Is that so?’’
The lion studied the creature for a bit, gently nudging it with a paw. It didn’t really seem to respond to that..
‘’Well then..’’
Calamity backed up a bit, leaving the small animal..? be for now, his attention shifting to Viper once again.

‘’It doesn’t seem to be doing anything. You got scared of this tiny little thing..?’’
There was a hint of amusement in Calamity’s voice as he questioned Viper, who appeared to be rather flustered now.

‘’I-- Well--’’
‘’..It’s alright. You don’t need to explain yourself.’’
Viper blinked and stared at his lord for a few moments, then lowered his head and let out a soft sigh of relief.
‘’Now, come. Let’s get out of here. Having to look through this place for you has made me even more exhausted.’’
‘’..That’s why you’re here, my lord? You came looking for me? I thought you had just stumbled across this place by chance.’’
The cat stared at Calamity, taken aback by the fact his lord actually went out of his way to find him. It was.. certainly not expected, to say the least.

Calamity slowly nodded.
He would never admit to Viper the worry he felt for them when it just went off like that.
‘’Yes. I did. It’d be easier for us both to find a way out together.’’
The lion responded simply, not wanting Viper to pick up on his true intentions or concerns.
Viper stared for a bit again, then smiled - albeit smugly - at Calamity, bouncing over to him.
“Hmm.. I guess you’re right, my lord. Well then, let’s get going, shall we?’’ 

Viper slithered his way into another corridor ahead of them, seeming to have regained its usual energy. Calamity followed after him, shooting one last glance at the small bear creature as the appeared into the shadows after Viper.

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In Event Gallery ・ By LostWoods
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Submitted By LostWoods for Cave Spelunking
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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