Found family in a cave what they gonna do

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Spring stumbled into the cave entrance that lay ahead of them, shaking some snow off of their paws as they finally found a place to hide from that terrible snow storm that was raging on outside. He turned to look back at the entrance, relieved to see that Evan and Twist had also made it in. Twist stood protectively behind Evan, the wind and snow crashing against her back. It didn’t really bother him, though. He just wanted to make sure Evan was safe and sound.
The young cat was shaking a bit, looking up at Twist with watery eyes.
‘’A-Are we safe now?’’
..Hm. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that. Were they? Twist honestly had no clue - neither him or Spring knew anything about this cave. They didn’t even know where they were.
‘’We.. We should be!’’
Spring quickly responded, trying his best to sound reassuring and confident as to not make Evan worry even more.
‘’This seems like a large cave system, perhaps we can even find something that could be of use to us here?’’ 
The yellow rabbit-eared cat hummed as they took in a moment to look around and take in their surroundings properly now, eventually turning to look at Evan and Twist who had made their way over to his side. 
‘’Hm.. it’d be worth taking a look. We just need to make sure we don’t wander too far in or get lost.’’
Twist tilted his head to the side, placing a paw to his chin as she let out a soft humm in thought.
‘’We should be very careful when exploring. We don’t have any idea what might be inside of this place or how dangerous it could be.’’
Spring nodded in response to Twist, then turned to look at Evan, giving him a warm and reassuring smile.
‘’Of course! Let’s stick together and explore, then.’’
And with that, the small group took off and made their way into one of the corridors ahead of them.

As they continued to walk, it slowly started getting darker and darker the further they got into the cave. Evan paused and let out a soft whimper, hesitating as he stared at the ever growing darkness up ahead of him. Twist’s ear flicked as he stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Evan, quickly noticing his fear and wandering over to the young cat. 
‘’Are you alright? You seem very shaken up.’’
‘’I.. thought I heard a noise ahead of us. I-It’s getting so dark too. W-What if there’s something out to g-get us?’’
The large black cat looked at Evan with a sympathetic expression, giving him a pat on the head.
‘’There, there. It’ll be alright. If anything does happen to be ahead, me and Spring will deal with it, okay?’’
She then raised her paw and pointed at Evan’s collar, gently nudging the built in flashlight.
“And you have this, remember? You could light up the path ahead. You can stay behind us incase anything does happen, but it’d at least help with the darkness issue.’’
Evan looked up at Twist, sniffling a bit. He slowly nodded, turning on the built-in flashlight in his collar.
He mumbled, looking down at the ground. Twist let out a soft sigh. It hurt him to see the poor young cat sad like this. It.. wasn’t anything new, but still. He deserved to be happy and safe, yet seemed to constantly get pulled into awful and horrible situations like this. One thing is for sure; Twist will do anything he can to protect Evan.
The group then continued on, now being able to see ahead better thanks to Evan’s useful flashlight.

Exploring was going surprisingly well. They had found some wood and even some berries by an open area they had found inside the cave that was filled with nature. It wasn’t something they would ever expect to see in a cave like this, but it was welcome and a pleasant surprise. The group settled down there for a bit to rest and eat.
Spring was bouncing around the area, poking their head into bushes and other small spaces to see if there was anything else they could possibly find - and also just being very very curious about, well, everything. Twist and Evan sat in a patch of grass, a small distance away from where Spring was investigating everything he saw. It was nice to finally be able to have a moment of peace and sit and rest for a little bit. They didn’t get this opportunity often - especially not considering all of the things that had recently been going on.
Evan was asleep, laying down in the grass. Twist glanced over at him and smiled, happy to see the young cat finally at peace. Her focus then shifted back over to Spring, who leaped back after having poked her head into a bush, ears standing straight up.
Twist rushed on over, the large black cat tilting his head to the side as she stood by the yellow rabbit-eared cat's side.
‘’What happened? Are you doing alright?’’
Spring blinked, slowly turning over to Twist and letting out a nervous laugh.
‘’A-Ah! Nothing, I just thought I saw something in the bush.. It was probably just nothing, though.’’
They stammered, trying their hardest to sound convincing - but it was hard. I mean, was it really nothing? All Spring wanted to do was pretend like nothing happened and just.. hope they’re right. That it was nothing. It IS probably nothing. 


Twist narrowed her eyes, studying Spring’s expression for a bit.
Then, he let out a sigh and nodded.
‘’Alright. If you say so, then.’’
The black cat shot a glance back at where Evan was laying before continuing with talking,
‘’We should continue on now. I’ll go and wake Evan up.’’ 
Even if Spring believed there was nothing, Twist didn’t want to wait around and find out if there was actually nothing or not. It’d be better to go and move on, perhaps find more resources or a different place to rest.
He just didn’t feel right staying in this specific spot.

Evan jolted awake as Twist gently nudged him.
‘’..Sorry to wake you like that. We want to carry on and see if we can find any extra resources.’’
As the young cat got up, she gave him a gentle smile.
“Did you sleep well? I can carry you, if you’re still feeling tired.’’
‘’I-I slept well. I.. slept way better than usual, actually.’’
Evan shook his head.
‘’And i-it’s fine, you don’t need to carry me. I-I’ll be fine. B-But thank you for the offer, Twist.’’
Twist simply nodded and then led him over to where Spring was waiting to go deeper into the cave.

They explored more and more, finding more resources and things that could come in useful for them.
It was a long and tiring day, but they eventually got enough to head back to the entrance. Which was gonna be an exhausting journey, but it should be fine. They didn’t run into any trouble throughout the time they spent exploring the large cave system - well, aside from the scare they had in that one spot with all of the bushes and grass, but nothing actually seemed to come for that.

Once they’re back, all of them can finally get some proper rest. As hard as it’ll be for Spring and Twist, they know they’ll have to get some rest too. Both of them were getting so tired .. and how could they protect Evan if they’re both this exhausted? Yeah, they’ll both definitely need to rest up.
The group all seemed to perk up as they saw some light up ahead, Spring’s expression brightening as they started excitedly bouncing up ahead.

‘’Finally! We’re back at the entrance! Oh my, it’s so dark out now.. I’m glad we were able to collect some material for a campfire. We can set that up and then get some rest.’’ 
Twist glanced over at Evan, who looked like he was about to fall asleep right where he was standing. She guided him over to Spring, where he then immediately collapsed and fell fast asleep while Spring and Twist worked together to set up a campfire.

It’ll be hard to get rest knowing they’re in such an unknown and mysterious place, but they’ll have to try. 

They’ll figure out what to do next in the morning. For now, they rest.

The moment they had set up the campfire, Spring and Twist curled up besides Evan, laying down beside him protectively and dozing off to sleep.
At least they were safe and together, and that was all that mattered right now.


Found family in a cave what they gonna do
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In Event Gallery ・ By LostWoods
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Submitted By LostWoods for Cave Spelunking
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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