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Rose groaned, shaking her fur off as she lifted herself up off of the ground of the ship.

"Well then..” Rose muttered, her tail stiff as she took a look outside, following the lead of the other two, Moonbeam and Goldie. Snow quickly fell onto the glass and covered her vision.

“So, what’s the course of action?” She questioned, walking up to the other two, her fur stood up with agitation, not used to the typical adventure.

“We need fuel. Either I was mistaken with how much we actually had, or we had a leak,” Moonbeam explains, demeanor wavering as kit tries to keep kits calm, “we’ll take a quick look around and see what we can find. staying inside the ship won’t do us any good without a source of power anyway.”

With that, the entrance opened and the freezing air punched Rose in the face. She recoiled, hissing, “Wow-wee, do we have coats?” she questioned, shivering. Her short fur was not doing her any justice in keeping her warm.

Unfortunately, the group was woefully unprepared, not expecting a disaster such as this to occur, so no safety equipment or clothing was available outside of Rose’s thin jacket.

The group each took their time leaving the ship, unwilling to bear the freezing weather. Being the last, Rose took her sweet time, the frozen wasteland filling her vision as the snow reflected blinding lights. Rose covered her eyes and stepped foot into the snow, the crunch leaving an echo to signify the complete desolation. Her eyes scanned the horizon, hoping to see a shred of life to no avail.

“Oh,” she gasped, worry etching into her features, “just where are we, exactly?”

They all decided that it was for the best to at least split into 2 groups, Moonbeam and Goldie in one group and Rose in the other group, to compensate for the lack of a second group member, they left Rose in charge of the empty fuel canister and a rugged backpack that was damaged in the landing, in case she found something of use.

As the 3 split up, Rose took a wide glance at the surroundings, noting a large mountain with a valley of white snow below it. She decided it was best to check the cliff overhanging the valley of snow, as the valley was more than likely filled with loose snow that could collapse at any moment.

She began her trek, pulling a digital notepad she kept in her jacket pocket out and beginning to take notes of the land around her. Ice shards as tall as buildings littered the ground, almost glowing from the sun and snow combined. Boulders and trees were the only sign of color outside of the desolate white and blue of the ice and snow.

As time passed, worry set in deep, there was clearly no actual materials lying about, nothing to make even the smallest bit of fuel out of. Stones and ice held little burning value and it was much too dangerous to dig in the snow alone.

Rose kept her head high, though, this was no time to stress, she had people depending on her and a life and family to come back to. This all would pass soon.. Right? She shook her head, clearing her mind as she crept up on the cliff, a large spike of ice was erected diagonally across the ledge, giving her a platform to peer over into the valley and survey for any sign of… well, anything at this point.

She noted the withered forests below her, the trees barely able to sustain themselves in this kind of weather. The sign of trees told her that this planet wasn’t just a failed ecosystem, whatever happened here must have been a significant event.

Sighing, Rose followed eir quickly fading pawprints, making eir way back to the ship with nothing but a silly shaped rock in hand. She made another note in her notepad, making sure to state the conclusion she drew up as well as noting the significant snowfall and freezing weather that seemed to get colder by the minute.

By the time ey reached the ship, Moonbeam and Goldie were already there, discussing their next plan. Moonbeam looked up, shooting Rose a wave before pulling out the communication device, dialing a familiar number, flashing a frustrated glare and promptly sending the device into the side of the ship, an enormous bang was heard and ricocheted off the horizon.

Rose grimaced, looking at the sad remains of the device. “Uh… Moonbeam? You.. alright?” She inquired gently, kits peeved face melting away as the stress got to Moonbeam.

“I’m… alright. There’s no signal. The device is unusable.”

Goldie glanced at Moonbeam with equal worry, reaching up to pat kits shoulder before nodding to Rose to snatch up the device, which she did so gladly.

“Well, for now, we found a cave near here that seems to lead deeper into the ground, maybe it’ll have something we can use.” Goldie pointed. Rose followed her paw, viewing the cave with interest.

“I think that’s our best bet. The ship has gotten as cold as the air around us. The temperature has been dropping since we got here, the cave surely will be our best bet of survival for now.” Rose mentioned, picking pieces of the device up and storing it in her backpack as she stepped towards the direction of the cave.

“Onward, then” Moonbeam nodded, marching off towards the cave as the two followed closely behind.

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In Event Gallery ・ By Moomies

Writing prompt for Stranded :^]

Submitted By Moomies for Stranded
Submitted: 9 months agoLast Updated: 9 months ago

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