All over the news

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“And that’s it for tonight’s weather report. Make sure to pack your umbrellas tomorrow morning… or don’t, if you don’t mind a little rain!”

The screen faded from the eager Guppymander weatherman back to the news studio.

“Thank you, thank you!” Taurus’ face appeared again as she tapped her claws on the desk, smiling at the camera. “Now, back to the news. After many months of renovation work, the mayor of Stingray Bay City announced the reopening date of the central train station today…”

The news presenter’s voice faded into the background while Carmen shuffled around on the couch uncomfortably. She shoved another throw pillow under her head and sank into it with a long sigh. Exhausted from work, she was barely paying attention to the TV; it mainly served as background noise and something to lay her eyes upon. Had it not been for the persistent headache she was nursing, she would’ve dozed off by now.


“... and now, a potential update on the Moonbeam situation?”

Carmen’s ear twitched. Finally, something interesting. The distant hum of the electrical kettle grew louder, but she seemed to tune it out in her mind.

“We’re all still eagerly awaiting her and Goldie’s return from their space voyage. Do the Port Borealis crew have anything to tell us about it? One of our new reporters is on site right now! Oli, you’re on air! What do you have for us?”


The view changed again, now showing a rather excited Spacecat, wearing an earpiece and clutching a thick notebook to his chest with one paw, on the backdrop of the Port Borealis main lobby. Carmen squinted at the screen, not quite able to recognize this cat. Taurus did refer to him as a ‘new’ reporter, so that checked out.

“Yes, yes, hello there! Reporting live from Port Borealis about Moonbeam’s disappearance. Many have been wondering what really happened to her and Goldie, some even made their own rather well-documented attempts at locating the two. I’ve been keeping notes on all our findings, actually– oh, this isn’t about– right, right! Ahem– my apologies. I’m joined here tonight by one of the port’s crew, Clarity.”

The camera shifted slightly to include both Oli and the other cat in frame. Compared to the journalist, Clarity wore a rather tired expression, maybe even a slight scowl. Now that’s something Carmen could relate to.

“So, Clarity! You are in charge of information around here, correct? Can you tell us anything about Moonbeam’s whereabouts?” Oli shifted the mic over.

“That is correct. Unfortunately, we still don’t know where exactly kit is. If we don’t pick up on a signal sent by her or from her spaceship, we won’t be able to locate her.” Clarity explained, matter-of-factly.

Oli’s smile grew a little awkward at the sudden silence, unsure where he should hold the mic. “Is that everything?”

“Yes, unless you have further questions.” 

“Um… I do, yes! We know what the goal was for Moonbeam’s journey, but…”


In the midst of the interview, something blocked Carmen’s view. With a soft grunt, she brushed the hair out of her face and squinted. It was none other than Jolene, gazing back at her with compassion. The steam rising from the two large mugs on top of a tray she carried filled the living room with the smell of chocolate and cinnamon.

“They still haven’t found her?” Jolene put down the tray before asking, with a small nod towards the screen.

“Nope. Port still has no idea where she is, either.” Carmen huffed and heaved herself from the pillows to sit. She wasn’t the one to be affected by situations far removed from her own circle, but something about Moonbeam going missing in space unnerved her.

Jolene climbed onto the couch as well and wrapped her tail around Carmen, nudging her a little closer and handing her one of the mugs. “Isn’t one of your guys trying to locate her?”

“You mean Sonya? Yeah, they are. Stupidly good with tech for someone so young.” Carmen took a careful sip of the hot chocolate after blowing on the surface. “Even climbed to the damn roof to install another receiver… then got into a scuffle with a security guard, but that’s not nearly bad enough to be kicked out. Not from our lab. Sadly they’ve had no luck so far.”

“That’s a shame.” Jolene sighed, helping herself to her own drink as well. “I hope they find kit soon, either you or the Port. Or anyone else, really.”


Silence fell between them, not counting the TV and Taurus saying the last of the evening news before the ads rolled. It was a comfortable kind of silence and both Spacecats leaned into each other more, having put their mugs down again.

“I’m afraid they’ll postpone our project’s flight because of this.” Carmen spoke again after a while, her cheek pressed into Jolene’s neck fur. “Something about security, more scrupulous spacecraft and fuel control, something or another. It's a research mission to Soda Planet, not a sightseeing trip, for black hole’s sake. We’re not dumb tourists, we’ll be fine…”

“Are you worried about it?” Jolene nuzzled against the top of Carmen’s head, sensing a bit of unease from her.

“About what?” Carmen tensed. “The mission?”

“Getting lost in space. Like Moonbeam did… don’t think I don’t see it bothering you. Nothing ever bothers you this much unless it’s about a friend… or about something you’re scared of.”

Carmen’s jaw dropped slightly in astonishment, but she closed her mouth without a word. This time, the silence felt a bit heavy, and she buried her muzzle into the other cat’s fur, as if embarrassed. For someone so easily distracted, Jolene was more perceptive than she usually gave her credit for, that much was for certain.

“...maybe. Don’t tell anyone. They’ll laugh at me.”

Jolene giggled and threw one paw around Carmen’s shoulders, pulling her closer.

“I won’t… but I doubt they’ll laugh at you. I think Moonbeam would be scared, too.”

All over the news
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In Event Gallery ・ By winterbunz

1000 words

Submitted By winterbunz for Lonely City
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago


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