[Gift] 65 - Storm

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“This way! Hurry!” Compass halts for two seconds to call out to the cats behind them, then continues sprinting through the forest. They heard grunts of approval along with the sound of dry leaves crunching from impact. That’s enough for Compass.


“Careful!” They jump over a rotten log. A misstep could result in a heavy injury and unable to make it to their destination in time. One cat jumps up no problem— then the second cat tumbles and lets out a loud oof. Compass skids back and turns over their shoulder. “Oh no, Leif!”


“I-I’m fine, don’t worry.” The brown cat rises back to her paws and shakes out her back leg. “Nothing got on me, promise.”

Ocha twitches an ear. “Ya sure?”

“Yes, enough about me!” Leif points her muzzle towards the sky. The clouds were coming in quick with the sudden temperature drop prickling their fur. “We don't have much time left until it starts pouring, everyone is waiting for us.”


“If only we could fly…” Ocha sighs. Compass notices Leif’s whiskers quivering from the aquatic cat’s wish. “Do you think we can make it in time, Compass?”


“Barely.” Compass turns away. “We will get damp upon arrival, but better than nothing. Let’s get going again.”


It’s back to sprinting down the woods with the green spacecat in lead. The three left early in the afternoon to gather some supplies for their supposed s’mores roasting, but that’s going to be delayed till tomorrow. Ocha was the first to notice the storm approaching and how fast it was arriving, then Leif gathered everything for them while keeping an eye on anything that may go on behind them. Compass knew this forest better than any other creature, enjoyed it more than their own home, so surely they would know the best shortcuts to make it back before the rain begins. Well, having others around means they need to be watchful for their safety, Compass couldn't jump through hurdles that Ocha or Leif were not familiar with. No one can risk an injury.


A heavy raindrop falls on Compass’s head. Three more later and there’s a heavy downpour. “Ah, come on!” Leif whines. “I thought we would make it!”

Ocha shakes out his fur. “Came faster than I predicted…” He mutters. “Do you think a Cirrocanius was behind this?”

“Hell if I know.” Compass didn't care, they were more disappointed that they left everyone down again. “Let’s look for shelter and wait it out. Hopefully it calms down for a few minutes and we can make it before anyone worries…” Well, Iris may be worried now, same with Charlotte. At least they’ll be keeping everything intact while they’re stuck here.


They take them to a burrow that was left abandoned a few years ago. It’ll fit everyone here, but it will be a pretty tight squeeze. Better than nothing, no one complained about it.


The rain was heavier once they settled in the hollow. The patting of droplets rumbled the roof with a few clumps of dirt falling on Ocha’s nose. She brushes it off, then the ground shakes from a suspected lightning strike. “That was close!” Ocha squeaks. “Oooh, I hope Proxy is okay…”

Compass tilts their head. “Are they afraid of thunderstorms?”

“It’s mainly the noise. Proxy is not a fan of heavy lights or loud sounds. Gets them anxious…” Ocha’s voice trails off. “Ah, didn't mean to bring up their business like that.”

Leif swishes his tail back and forth. “You stopped shaking while talking about them, though.”

“It’s a g-good distraction!” She laughs sheepishly. “But I’m worried…Proxy isn't that close with many cats and doesn't know anyone at the campsite. Ugh, I feel bad for leaving them alone like that.”

Leif and Compass were ready to provide words of comfort until she kept going. “I-I know they can take care of themselves just fine! I trust the others that are there too! I’m sure Charlotte, Iris, Artemisia, and the others are great, but—”

“Unfamiliarity?” Leif finishes.

Ocha lowers herself. “Yeah….that,” she sighs. “And I just left them to help you guys. I hope they aren't pissed off at me.”


“I know Iris is. Between you and me…they didn't want me to come along.”

Ocha snorts. “Really?”

“I’m not that skilled in survival unlike you and Compass!” He laughs. “I was going to drag you both down, especially now.”


“Rest assured, none of you guys did anything wrong. Just unfortunate events, prone to happen while camping.” They wince when another thundercrack vibrates their hollow. “You two did an excellent job in collecting the wood though, I’m impressed.”


Ocha tucks her paws under her. “I’ve had some…experiences in survival back in the day. I suppose that would make me pretty useful in wood gathering.”

“Those were going to be the best s’mores ever!” Leif’s ears drop. “Too bad we cannot roast any now…”

“You would burn it,” Ocha giggles.

“Oh come on now!”


The three fell into a small fit of laughter in the middle of the raging storm. Nice to see they’re in good spirits despite their unluckiness. Compass had an itching feeling they would grow upset with them not keeping proper track of the weather. “I’ve burnt several,” they confess. “I was with Hermes on a week-long camping trip and was distracted. He had the audacity to laugh at me!”

Ocha smirks. “I would too. S’mores are crucial in the camping experience. I always make them perfect when I have them with Proxy! What about you, Leif?”

The clover-filled cat looks away shyly. “Iris roasts all of them to perfection whenever we make them. I cannot trust myself with fire.”

Ocha shoves him again playfully and laughs. Compass took a quick look outside while they rambled about the others and noticed the rain died down slightly. “Hey, you two,” they call from below. “There’s a small opening, ready to go?”


“Yeah! Cannot have our Dears waiting on us!” Ocha chirps.


“Come on, I’ve seen how you are with Charlotte. Your eyes may be hidden, but that body language says it aaalllll.” Ocha nudges Compass and squeezes out of the hollow. “Alright, let’s get a move on!”



Everyone settled in the large cabin when the rain began. They seem to be taking the weather well with the exception of Iris pacing back and forth and Proxy’s tail twitching. Charlotte has no room to judge, fey was feeling the same way.


The storm came unexpectedly. They were not due for rain until after the trip was over. It’s a shame, so many were excited for s’mores tonight, fey couldn't help but chuckle to feirself when Iris’s eyes shone at the notion of it. Here’s to having a clear night tomorrow.


Artemisia was with Yukio as the canine went on sketching something. Fey wasnt sure what exchange happened between the two— too far to hear— but fey noticed a heavy eye roll from the red spacecat and a bombastic side-eye towards Ishisu. The pink spacecat merely shrugged and muttered something to the distracted Dusk.

“Well, I wouldn't even bother listening,” Dusk groans and looks towards Proxy. “Hey, you.”


Proxy barely lifts their head.


“Any idea on where your girlfriend is?”


Proxy does not move from their spot. Their fur spikes up, making them look twice their size, and turns away.

“I’m sure Ocha and the others will be returning soon.” Iris stops their pacing and sits between the two. “The storm is just delaying them.”

“...Are you sure they’re okay?” Proxy whispers ever so quickly.

“I trust them.” Iris nods towards Charlotte. “And with Compass leading the way, I’m certain they will all return in one piece.”

Charlotte lowers feir long ears. Why look at fem?

“My bestie better be coming back.” Hermes shoves himself next to Charlotte and sits down with a heavy thud. They sat down right when thunder cracked from the distance, and Proxy drops their head. “I need them to cook killer s’mores!”


“We cannot make any with this weather, stupid!” Ishisu groans. “I think we will be stuck here for the rest of the night.”

Artemisia hums in agreement. “Seems like the best solution.”


“A little rain won't hurt anyb—” Hermes gets cut off from another bound of thunder. Oh, this poor cat, he instantly jumps on the already frightened Charlotte and suffers the consequences. “Yee-oouch! What was that for?!”

“It was not on purpose…” A shudder falls down feir spine. “I greatly apologise for that….hold on.” Fey takes one step towards the frightened Hermes and buries feir muzzle in his neck fur. “Stay still for one moment, please.”


Charlotte successfully pulls out a thorn and he yells again. “Ugh, those things are dangerous!” He huffs. “How many times have you pricked Compass with those?”


“...A few times,” fey admits. “I never mean it, unfortunately my ability can be dangerous and difficult to control.”

Iris lowers their ears and locks eyes with fem for a moment, then turns away. More lightning and thunder shake the forest and Hermes thankfully doesn't budge from those rapid disturbances.


Proxy walks over next to Charlotte, staring at the outside of the cabin door with an unreadable expression. Their eyes follow each droplet that hits the doorframe, then shuts their eyes tight when lightning strikes from the distance. “Are you alright, Proxy?” Charlotte whispers. Proxy does not speak.


Iris comes next to Charlotte and steps out of the cabin for a few, then treks back while shaking the rain off their fur. “Iris….?” Charlotte calls out. “Are you alright as well?”

“...I can manage,” they mutter. “Are you two alright?”

Proxy narrows their gaze while Charlotte quivers feir whiskers. “I confess, I worry that they got caught in something more than the rain.”

“...Can't say I would be surprised.” Iris closes their eyes. “Leif has gotten into some strange situations before…I’m sure it’s the same with the others.”

“...Ocha has, yes,” Proxy sighs.

“That is correct.”

“And those three pulled through despite it all.” A small smile appears on their features. “I…do worry, but I have faith in them. I just hope they won't come back with any injuries…”




The three direct their attention outside of the cabin and witness a flash of red shoot out from the bushes. Ocha comes running into the campsite at full speed and trips over one of the seating logs. Proxy, not caring about the rain, hurries over to the fallen spacecat. “I’m fine!” Ocha laughs and touches noses with Proxy, who yelps and takes several strides backwards.


“Made it!” Leif calls out and appears from the same place where Ocha came from. She drops the wood off her back and sighs in relief. “I thought we—”


“Leif.” Iris paces over to Leif, steps light and quick. “Are you hurt?”

“....Happy to see you two,” She mutters shyly. “I’m alright, thanks to Ocha and Compass.”


“Please, do not give me so much credit.” It’s Compass's turn to appear and Charlotte’s turn to come on running. Their green fur was soaked and they parted their bangs to reveal one emerald eye. “Sorry for the delay, did I worry you?”

“Greatly.” Fey could not lie to them. “I’m pleased to see you all in one piece.”


Everyone else ran out of the cabin to greet the three. Hermes hurries over to Compass and pulls them into a tight hug. “Ugh! Never leave me alone like that again!”


“I wasn't gone for that long, Hermes!”

“Too damn long,” Hermes notes. “You had Charlotte and I worried sick! Now what do you gotta say for yourself?”

Charlotte flicks her tail. “Hermes, for goodness sake—”

“No, I-I…I apologise.” Compass pats her shoulder. “I should have been more careful. We got too caught up in collecting wood that we didn't notice the weather until it was too late. I-If I just looked up….”

“What matters is that everyone made it safely,” Charlotte soothes. “I’m not mad, no one is.” She gestures to Iris, Ocha, and company showing their delight towards their return. “You avoided the worst too.”

“We waited until the lightning wasn't that bad to keep on travelling.”


Charlotte purrs. “That’s my Compass. Now, let’s go back to the cabin and dry up. We may not have any s’mores for tonight, but Petal made some desserts for everyone earlier.”


The brown and red spacecat perks up at the mention of her name. “That I did!” She nods towards Barbara. “And I didn't do it alone either! Thanks again, I never knew you were so good at baking.”


“Kendrick says I come with many talents,” she purrs. “Now let’s hurry up before everything gets stale!”


In a much better mood, everyone took their time returning to the cabin and chatted amongst themselves. Iris and Proxy’s mood changed like a lightswitch and were significantly calmer than minutes ago, with their walking buddies smiling brightly at them. Charlotte pressed her wet cheek against theirs, so thankful for their closeness, and entered the cabin ready for the night ahead of them.


[Gift] 65 - Storm
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In Monthly Madness ・ By MajoNia
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Submitted By MajoNiaView Favorites
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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