Aika Commits Crimes on Accident

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“...So Twilight told me how his dad accidentally flirted with his other dad when he meant to flirt with his sister and that’s how they started dating!”

“...Weird. But that’s not really weird for Sparky I guess.”

Aika laughed at Belle’s response. The two of them were walking downtown, spending some time together before Aika left again in a few days. Galactic messaging wasn’t always reliable, so the sisters took whatever time together they had. 

Aika was about to continue the story when they suddenly heard a commotion near the bank. They raced over to see what all the ruckus was about.

There was a spacecat seemingly yelling at another one. The yelling cat was tan with purple dust, while the one being yelled at was green with yellow horns. He seemed a little nervous. 

The tan cat must be threatening him! I gotta help! 

Aika lunged at the tan cat, despite Belle telling her to wait. Aika may have been small, but she was very strong for her size. She managed to slam the other cat to the ground, hitting their head and knocking them unconscious. 

“Haha! Victory is mine! You are saved, weird green cat!” 

The green spacecat looked up at the kitten in shock. Then he smiled. 

“Thanks, but you’ve actually helped me in my crime. That cat you just knocked out was the teller of the bank!” 

Belle looked horrified. “Wait what-”

“They were chasing me out from robbing it when you attacked them, heheheh. Now I can rob this bank without any problems!”


The green cat then looked at the bank, then back at the kids. 

“Now that I think about it, you’ve got skill, kid. How’s about you help me rob this place? I’ll give you a share of the money!” 

“Well, I don’t-”
Just then, another cat appeared. This one was red, with long claws and fangs. Aika also noticed that the red cat and the green cat wore matching collars, with an “R” symbol tag. Did that mean something? 

“Milas, dear, what’s going on? I thought we aborted the mission?” 

The green cat - Milas - looked at the new arrival. “Change of plans, Athena. These squirts helped us get a second chance! They knocked out the teller chasing me!” 

Athena looked down at Aika and Belle with surprise. “These little dearies? Good job! You’d make good criminals when you get a little bigger!”

Belle scowled. “I-”

Milas looked at Athena again. “Actually, I asked them to help out. We could use some reinforcements in case the teller wakes up and sounds an alarm, right?” 

“Ha! I didn’t know you were recruiting children now, Milas!”

He scowled. “I was only a lil older than them when I got recruited, first off. And second, I’m not recruiting them. Just to help us so they don’t run off and tattle. Kids do that, don’t they?” 

Athena smirked. “Alright. But you didn’t offer them money, right? That’s our reward.” 


Milas…hmmm…” She then lifted a paw and admired her claws. “Look here, dearies. We can’t have you running off to tell on us. So, how about after you help us with this robbery, I’ll buy you some sweets. Ok?” 

Aika’s face lit up. “Sweets?! You got it!!!” 


She looked at Belle with a comforting face. “What? It’ll be fine! C’mon, let’s go!” 

Belle sighed. “Alright, but if we get in trouble you’re taking all the blame.”

“That’s the spirit! Alright, uh, criminal cats, let’s rob this bank!!!!”

“We’re called The Rockets,” Milas said. “And keep it down! Follow me, I know how we can sneak in.” 

Milas led the cats over to one of the walls of the bank. The bricks seemed pretty compact, how would they get in like this?

Athena seemed to be thinking the same thing, looking at Milas confused. Then, she grinned. 

“Oh! Of course!” 

She raised a paw and her long claws started glowing. Milas did the same. They then slashed the wall.

The wall didn’t seem to show any damage at first, but then started sizzling. Then the brick melted down into a sludge, creating a hole into the bank. 

“YES!” Milas yelled.

“I thought we were keeping quiet?” Aika questioned with a smug look.

“Shut it, runt. Let’s go.” 

Milas led them through the wall into the bank. He seemed to know right where to go. Aika theorized he had robbed this place before. Pretty dangerous for him to come back. But hey, she wouldn’t judge. 

Eventually the cats reached a large vault door. Milas raised a paw to scratch the door like before, but Belle interjected.

“Wait! The door is probably rigged with an alarm! The best bet would be to unlock it manually!”

Milas scowled. “And how do you think we’ll do that, genius?”

“Little do you know that I’m actually very good at solving locks. Step aside, lemon-horns.”

Milas gave Belle an offended look, but moved away. Belle walked over to the lock and studied it for a moment. She then closed her eyes and focused. A small wisp of magic appeared from her fur and went into the lock. 

The lock started to glow.

Aika, Athena and Milas watched in awe as the vault door slowly opened with a creaking sound. The wisp then went back into Belle’s fur, who opened her eyes with a relieved sigh. 

Athena smiled once more. “That. Was. Amazing! You need to teach us that!” 

Belle frowned. “I would if you weren’t criminals. Now hurry up and get what you want. Won’t be long before someone notices.” 

Milas nodded to Athena, and they both ran inside the vault. Athena summoned 2 sacks and the two criminals started filling them with coins. Aika and Belle simply sat back and waited. 

Aika looked at Belle. “So when are you gonna teach me that trick?”

“Once I know you won’t cause trouble with it.” 


Just then, they heard a gasp. Behind them, a purple spacecat with bangs covering one eye was standing there, horrified at the scene in front of them. Then he looked enraged. 


Milas and Athena jumped and looked at the cat. Then they stuffed a few more coins into their bags and headed to the exit. Milas looked over his shoulder at the kids. 

“Let’s go!!!”

Aika grabbed Belle by the ear and ran after them, the purple cat yelling at them the whole time. 

The group made it out into the open again, and ran into the nearby woods. They hid behind a tree and gathered their senses. 

“Alright-” Belle panted. “We helped you with your stupid robbery and almost got our butts arrested. Hope it was worth it.” 

“Oh it was, dear. We really appreciated your help.” Athena said. She then reached into one of the bags and grabbed a handful of coins.
“This should be enough to get you a nice treat. Now we gotta get outta here.”

Aika took the coins and put them in her hat. “Well, I hope we see you again sometime! You’re kinda cool!” 

“Maybe once you’ve quit crime though…” Belle mumbled. 

“Eh, whatever. This helps me get presents for my boyfriends. See you around, maybe.” With that, Milas ran off into the woods. Athena gave the kids a smile and followed him. 

Belle looked at her sister. “That dude has boyfriends???”

“I dunno, maybe being a grumpy bitch is attractive to some cats.” 

She sighed. “Well, we robbed a bank. Was that worth it to you?”

“Are you kidding me?!” Aika kneaded her paws on the grass excitedly. “That was AWESOME! YOU were awesome! And now we can get a treat! What are you feeling?” 

“Well… how about some cloud bites?” 

“Sounds good to me!” 

With that, the sisters headed back into town. Hopefully that purple cat wouldn’t recognize them…

Aika Commits Crimes on Accident
1 ・ 0
In Art Redemption ・ By Eeveecat12
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Submitted By Eeveecat12View Favorites
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 1 year ago


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