The Love Star Storm

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It was finally that time again.

A time that many spacecats waited for. One they planned down to the minute. One that many cats had dreamed of the night they could finally take part in. One that would change lives forever with one simple routine.

The night of a love star shower.

Pairs of spacecat couples, platonic partners, or even cats that wish to help a friend expand their family would be watching the sky tonight, waiting for the deep blue night to be streaked with colour as the celestial entities shot across the sky, hoping their wishes are heard and a new kit would be a part of their future.

It didn't matter where they did it; all that did was if you could see them. Once a couple spotted a flying love star, they had to close their eyes, lock paws, and say the following words in their heads:



star bright

Oh love star I see tonight

Under you, I feel my soul’s alight

Please shine and guide my heart

To a new pair of paws

And a new life to start


Two cats sat on the grass, looking up to the sky. The chilly night breeze wafted through their pelts. One of them was doing their best to suppress their nerves while the other was not hiding them as well, bouncing on the spot while looking around frantically and chewing on the zipper of his hood.

“Are you sure we’ll be able to see them from here? It’s a bit cloudy…” Leif murmured, not looking away from the sky for a single moment.

“It will be fine,” Iris reassured. “They’ll be bright enough to be noticed even through the clouds.”

Leif knew that was the case, but nothing was easing his nerves. Uncertainty and worry washed over him. Any positive thought he had was battling a terrible “what if” scenario he also had. This was a major event in his life, so he wanted it to be perfect, but what if this wasn’t the right time? What if it didn’t work this time? What if they can’t figure out where to look afterwards?

Was he really ready to start raising a kit?

Iris noticed his nerves and how he didn’t break eye contact with the stars above. It hurt them to see him like this. With a pout, they brought their paw up to Leif’s cheek.

“Leif, look at me, please.”

She turned her head slightly, locking eyes with Iris. Their purple eyes reflected the stars beautifully, making them sparkle. Just the sight of their face alone made her ease up a bit.

“No matter what happens, we’re doing all of it together, alright? There’s no need to worry about anything. I’m sure everything will turn out in the end.”

“I know, but…” She murmured, “I still can’t help but overthink everything…”

“It’s fine to be nervous. I am too, you know.”

“To be fair, it’s kinda hard to tell that sometimes…”

A tiny chuckle left Iris’ lips.

“Hmmm. I guess you’re right. Do you want to know my secret on how I can keep looking so calm?”

Leif blushed, having already heard the answer to that question hundreds of times before. “C-c’mon… don’t be cheesy right now…”

“Oh? Are you opposed to being cheesy now?”

“Okay, Okay…” Leif smiled at them, “I really do appreciate you thinking of me like that, you know.”

“I know.”

The two giggled together, their nerves ebbing away with each laugh. Eventually, the laughter died down, and Leif’s smile fell once again. He looked down at his chest, focusing on the necklace that dangled in front of it.

“I can’t believe I got so worked up about this I actually believed this silly thing would work.” Leif clutched the charm in his paw, the green feathers attached to it drifting gracefully in the wind. “It’s probably just a thing they market to the superstitious… but…” he sighed, “I don’t wanna take it off. I just… have this feeling…”

“If wearing it makes you feel less nervous, you should keep it on.”

“Well, it kinda does… hopefully it’s actually lucky…” He trailed off, letting go of the charm. There was a silent pause between the two before Leif turned to face Iris.

“...Are you sure you want to do this? With me?”

Iris frowned and locked eyes with Leif again.

“Leif, there is no other cat in the universe I would rather be with right now.”


His protest was instantly silenced by Iris putting their paw over his muzzle.

“This is the most certain decision I’ve made in my life. We’d already promised each other we’d be there to guide the other when they needed it. You’re my partner, do you think I would ever abandon you or regret that? You may think you’re too average or plain, but to me, you are the most special cat I have ever come across. No time spent with you is a waste and everything I say or do is straight from my heart. We are doing this together.”

Tears pricked in the corners of Leif’s eyes and the corners of her mouth curled upwards. She leaned over, rubbing her cheek against Iris’. Now in even closer proximity, Iris quickly turned their head to kiss Leif, causing her to melt right into them. Iris’ tail drifted along Leif’s back, its constant flow worked to soothe Leif even more. Soon enough, both began to purr as they cuddled with each other.

A sudden burst of light from above caught their attention and their heads craned to the sky. They watched as a bright slash of yellow surrounded by a crackling orange and purple lightning raced across the night, making everything more colourful in its path.

The first love star of the night. It was time.

“Are you ready?” Iris asked with a sense of warmness. Leif paused for a moment, then nodded with confidence.

“I am.”

The two grabbed each other’s paws, watching for the next love star to fall and ready to repeat the poem in their minds.


“It has to be this way. I can feel it.”

Iris led the charge walking through the woods alongside Leif who wasn’t too far behind.

“I can feel it too. We must be close!”

Both of them had a warm feeling in their chest. It was as if their souls themselves were leading the way to their new kit. Every step forward made the feeling stronger and brighter, confirming in their hearts they were close to finding them. They continued to pad along, excitement brimming.

There was a faint glow up ahead. This had to be it.

The two cats pushed past the last bit of foliage and found the source of the glow. Their eyes widened at the sight. On a glowing bed of stardust that kept changing colours lay a small, brown kitten. On its fur were tiny little budding clovers, and its spacedust blended from purple to blue to green as it sparkled. Even with the little hair it had, it already had a pronounced cowlick on its head. It was slumbering peacefully.

The couple gasped and stared momentarily before carefully approaching, not wanting to disturb the kit. Leif was the first to speak.

“They’re so beautiful…” Tears of joy welled up in his eyes and flowed down his cheeks.

“And they’re ours,” Iris responded. While not full-on crying,  their eyes were wet and they were barely keeping their composure. “It looks like they take a lot after you.”

“Yeah… they even have the silly hair thing going on already, and-” He cut himself off and his face changed to one of confusion. “... Do you see multiple tails? That’s strange…”

That got Iris to look more carefully. Getting a little closer, they saw the tiny wispy tail of purple, blue and green that matched the rest of the cat, but something else peeked out as well. Another tiny tail sparkled, only purple and green.

“...There is more than one. It’s strange how that happened… Neither of us has more than one.” They pondered.

“I don’t know… but I guess things could be stranger…” Leif spoke, then chuckled, “Like, could you imagine if-”

The stardust bed the kit was sitting on began to slowly break apart as it faded. The kitten who was still asleep, started stirring in an attempt to remain in it’s comfort. They rolled over and into a completely different position. On one hand, this action revealed that the kitten didn’t have multiple tails, but on the other hand, it revealed an extra of something else.


The Love Star Storm
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In Seasonal Prompts ・ By sugarsprink
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Submitted By sugarsprink for Stargazing
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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slug Staff Member

this is very cute

2024-09-24 03:57:20

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