Neo91502's Currency Logs

+ 10 Cloudcoins
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Falling Star [Daily Rewards])
11 months ago
- 500 Cloudcoins
Shop Purchase (Purchased Purple Essence from The Starstop Shop)
11 months ago
- 1750 Cloudcoins
Shop Purchase (Purchased Blue Essence from The Starstop Shop)
11 months ago
- (Deleted Currency)
Shop Purchase (Purchased Pumpkin Treat Bag from Candy Shop)
11 months ago
- (Deleted Currency)
Shop Purchase (Purchased Ghost Treat Bag from Candy Shop)
11 months ago
- (Deleted Currency)
Shop Purchase (Purchased Halloween Raffle Ticket from Candy Shop)
11 months ago
- (Deleted Currency)
Shop Purchase (Purchased Diamond Soda from Candy Shop)
11 months ago
- 500 Cloudcoins
Shop Purchase (Purchased Dwarf Star from The Starstop Shop)
11 months ago
+ (Deleted Currency)
Activity Rewards (Received rewards for Trick or Treat athouse two.)
11 months ago
+ 5 Cloudcoins
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Falling Star [Daily Rewards])
11 months ago
+ (Deleted Currency)
Redeem Reward (Received rewards from Halloween 2023 code)
11 months ago
+ (Deleted Currency)
Activity Rewards (Received rewards for Trick or Treat athouse one.)
11 months ago
+ (Deleted Currency)
Activity Rewards (Received rewards for Trick or Treat athouse one.)
11 months ago
+ (Deleted Currency)
Activity Rewards (Received rewards for Trick or Treat athouse one.)
11 months ago
+ 5 Cloudcoins
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Falling Star [Daily Rewards])
11 months ago
+ (Deleted Currency)
Activity Rewards (Received rewards for Trick or Treat athouse three.)
11 months ago
+ 5 Cloudcoins
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Falling Star [Daily Rewards])
11 months ago
+ 500 Cloudcoins
Staff Grant (refund for grape syrup)
11 months ago
+ 6710 Cloudcoins
Staff Grant (Site transfer)
11 months ago
+ 15 Cloudcoins
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Falling Star [Daily Rewards])
11 months ago
+ 10 Cloudcoins
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Falling Star [Daily Rewards])
11 months ago
+ 5 Cloudcoins
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Falling Star [Daily Rewards])
11 months ago
+ 10 Cloudcoins
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Falling Star [Daily Rewards])
11 months ago
+ 5 Cloudcoins
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Falling Star [Daily Rewards])
11 months ago
+ 5 Cloudcoins
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Falling Star [Daily Rewards])
11 months ago