SC-3059: Trismegistus's Links

Relationship Status: Girlfriend
Peppermint...wants to see the world and help everyone around kit. I...wish to be by her side throughout it all. Thank you for everything, my Minty... <3
She's so wonderful, gorgeous, sooo many plushies that are as cute as her! I learn something new everyday being with her <3

Relationship Status: Girlfriend
I...I dont know if solving a murder case is considered an ideal date but...we make a pretty good team...

Relationship Status: Family
I wonder what happened to Mother so long ago to make afraid to lose me...
The hundreds of sketches I have of Trismegistus will never do justice expressing my love for her.

Relationship Status: Family
Father has such a big family...He teaches me so much on the importance of relationships and love...
MY DAUGHTER...SNIFFS...SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE HER BEAUTIFUL love for her extends to the stars and I will always be there for her.

Relationship Status: Friends
Whats...goth kissers club? Um..anyway...I love hearing about their travels. Compass is so nice :)

Relationship Status: Friends
Aunt Charlotte looks stern and mean, but they're so sweet...I can see why Mom and Dad are friends with fem.
What a sweet young lady. I can see why my daughter takes such a liking to you. Remember that it's okay to be afraid, but dont let that hold you back too much.