
Posted 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 weeks ago by Digimon

Sorry for the random downtime! Just fixing some backend stuff for our mods, along with updating the configs to align with how they were previously!


  • You can now set your selected character again!
  • The Wheel should now be functioning again!
  • Poly parents can now be properly logged! The display for this is a bit wonky but we'll fix it at another point in time. We'll start the process of manually adding character parents in the near future.
  • Some misc backend stuff only the staff would care about.
    • This is mostly in regards to the cultivation extension. Nothing that anyone outside of staff would see, just adjustments to how creating new plants works!

Current known bugs:

  • RSS feeds do not currently work.
  • Comment layouts are weird
  • Collect All Pet Drops - Attempt to read property "drops_available" on null
  • Characters duplicate themselves when submitting to prompts
  • We are currently unable to accept prompt submissions that require us to add rewards to characters. We are priotizing fixing this atm!

Currently working on:

  • Adjustments to the pairings + extension
  • Page to view your blocked users for easy unblocking
  • Adding randomized example characters to traits
  • All above bugs


  • Thats all! Thank you and sorry for the random downtime! There will be one more update needing the site to go briefly go down in the next day or so but that should hopefully be the last time!


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