
Standard Paws [CF]

Standard Paws [CF] (Common)

Category: Paws
Species: Clayfoxes

Large claw fingers with one or two pointing backwards.

Mole Paws [CF]

Mole Paws [CF] (Uncommon)

Category: Paws
Species: Clayfoxes

Wide, shovel-like paws with large claws.

Talons [CF]

Talons [CF] (Rare)

Category: Paws
Species: Clayfoxes

Bird-like talons in place of paws.

Claw Fingers [CF]

Claw Fingers [CF] (Rare)

Category: Paws
Species: Clayfoxes

Claw-fingers resembling those of Cirrocanius.

Cat Paws [CF]

Cat Paws [CF] (Rare)

Category: Paws
Species: Clayfoxes

Regular paws with small, retractable claws.

Paw Mutations [CF]

Paw Mutations [CF] (Mythical)

Category: Paws
Species: Clayfoxes

Paws that are not regular paws and don’t fall under any other trait.

6 results found.